Thursday, September 25, 2008


i love you
through and through
i'd like to hold your hand for an hour
kiss you for two
followed by lovemaking of deliberately indeterminate length
so to force us to clear our calendars for one another.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


forever fighting oddities
against pulsing pastel backgrounds
where young men win
old men love
and the middle man gets cut up
and shot down
slide a bullet in and 
shoot the messenger

Thursday, September 11, 2008


how can it be
my love is fading
as it follows my hair
to shades of grey

i have friends
who know how to make their way
but when does the sun
break through for me

there must be some
waves that crash on
shores where lovers
are never found
too wild and rough to tread

life has split me
between faith and fear
i can't even bear
to face the choice

should i believe
in a valorous decree
to love humanity
despite the stains

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


slumping in the tub
filling up your head
lines off the page
feel more comfortable
when you're less comfortable
the thing is to keep your head down
keep your eyes tired
keep your waist trim
live long and lean as a loser
and do all your reading by candlelight

Monday, September 1, 2008


frank cauley stands at the back
of a line that stretches alllllll
             the way round
the supermarket 
that crisp and cool morning in boston, ma
he is up earlier than normal
he feels tired and
disjointed from the images and men and women
moving all around them
he entreats you to sleep
the way he wishes he was right now